Tuesday, April 20, 2010

 I've had two realizations,

1- As I was talking to my mum during dinner, she was talking about some events in the past and some current issues, she kept praising God for things that have happened. As I thought about it, I realized God indeed has been blessing my family. He has heard and He has answered! Praise God. And I thank God as I write this down.

2- Sin robs us of our joy. And the sense of guilt/shame drives us away from God. With these thoughts, I sought to read His Word: 

Hebrews 9:22
In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

Two things: I am forgiven and it was Only through the blood of Jesus that was shed for me. I cannot earn forgiveness.

I struggle with self-righteousness, with that I struggle with guilt. Along with self-righteousness, I don't see the difference between my life then and now. A question my brother asked me 

What did Jesus saved you from?  

I couldn't answer it.

This morning I woke up and this thought came to me, I've found my answer.

A godless life with sin and a refusal to face them, constantly distracting myself with things (eg. gaming, work). I can fully understand Craig Thompson's words when he says; 

With nothing to do, I was left to face how unhappy I was. 

Jesus came for the sick and not for the well. I personally thought that I was pretty good but a life check brought otherwise. I am not well.

My sins have been forgiven through the blood of the Lamb. Only His blood. And I praise God for it.

I thank You for bringing my sins up. Not as a way to accuse me, but as a gentle reminder of who I was and could be without You. 

1 comment:

cong said...

yo. dropping by. take care! -cong